How much is baby eating?
Daily end results?
Is this the OG Baby Buddha or the 2.0?
Any at home work out programs that have worked for you?
If There Was A Costco Wrapped What Would Your Results Be?
Early Christmas gift 🥹🥹
Christmas lights?
Did you produce more milk with your second?
Orange Theory to help 10mo pp mom get back into fitness?
Just ordered BabyBuddha 2.0 for my second EP journey!
Made a gender reveal cake and a smash cake with the core
Moms who gave birth unmedicated by choice; would you do it again?
How many weeks were you when you went into labor as a FTM?
Top 5 HoCo restaurants
When did you go into labor?
A cute lil birthday cake 😍 3-layer 6in chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting
Can someone please guide me on what I can buy from Costco on a calorie deficit?
Epidural questions
Birthday gift for pregnant wife.
Thoughts on Celebrity?
Anyone dream of baby’s gender? Was it correct?
Decaf coffee
Things our SO’s have done that we appreciated during pregnancy
What are/ were your pregnancy struggles or things other people would say to you which would upset or annoy you?
Boy names with Romeo middle name