New IUD Miudella
Where is the line in the sand - are they fetishizing or embracing?
Weekday Help and Victory Thread for the week of March 17, 2025
My biggest dream is to visit Holland and its beautiful tulip fields.
This shelf is RUINING my HAPPINESS
Long Period
How to stop anxiety?
I’m finally breaking up with Big Bertha (the couch) and I need help with which replacement looks best with the space and rug.
Help me read my birth chart
Have you ever lost yourself in riendship?
Advice for when your ex friends unfollow you on social media
What does a true friendship mean to you?
my iud expelled itself
Thoughts on family heirloom ring?
Is it okay to go back to an artist after getting their previous work removed?
IUD vs colposcopy
2-Months After Insertion
String check within the first 24 hours
Birthright Citizenship Executive Order Revocation
Suggestions on what’s the best app/resource to learn Mandarin?
Got my first IUD inserted today...exact opposite of what I anticipated.
Insertion tips
My Positive IUD Insertion Experience
Tired of seeing adoption thrown out as a third “option”, would you…