S6 Maci & Taylor vs Rhine, Mack, Jen & Larry
B&T were so graceful to C&T. They have no one to blame for their situation but themselves. It’s not hard to keep Carly’s life private and not start an OF 🤡 (slide 3 just for lols)
What do you think made Gordon soften with contestants over the years?
Aged like milk 🥛
Stacey is the prettier twin. She's classier, nicer, and of course, younger.
Out of the three, which one was the bigger b*tch??
Catelynn complaining about Teresa again.
Why is Catelynn and this known delusional bitch talking about B & T’s other child and his bio mother? 🤦🏻♀️
Why do people forgive gabby so easily?
Brandon and Theresa were already selected before Cate filmed her episode.
He wonders why they keep Carly away...
I swear they (especially Tyler) are the dumbest MORONS on earth 😩
Why was Rhine still living at his parents house til he was like 28?....
Ryan Edwards has a secret kid???
So we're not calling out Ari's hypocrisy?
I've never seen a man this happy about making another man's wife pregnant! Jasmine's new boyfriend, Matt, is worse than her husband, Gino
When Gordon says “Good Girl”
Why Isn’t Amber on the Show?
Reasons why I think Susan(S11) deserved a Black Jacket
Kevin is still practicing his boxing moves in case anyone is interested 😏
Just wondering did they take the beauty filter off the cameras or something?
Why does everyone keep saying Jon (s11) should have won?
Just started watching S10 was Tavon that bad ?