UA POV: Found a interesting channel today. If I believe what this channel is saying, I think Ukraine will reach Moscow soon. Propaganda is really amazing.
I once ask Relic in their live stream when will they release a Japan expansion as I believe many are waiting for it. Relic community manager actually replied to me saying that I am thinking too much, no one want a Japan DLC. Is it true? Here's some of my idea for a Japan battlegroup.
6 Shaman E8 VS 2 tiger and 1 king tiger.. in the end.. guess who won! the match continue for 30min after this.. total length 1hr 30min...
In those old market hawker center , the table always have a big hole near edge. what is the purpose of the big hole?
Which ending should the Suikoden anime go for?
They better don’t remove this scene in the anime! Die Pig!
My friend show interest in btc since August but I think she isn’t ready for the market..
How to properly support the king tiger 2. I love this patch!
It had been awhile since we hit this number
Do you think Dota is moving on the right path?
Is the price known yet?
An update after the raise of level cap to 70. Can’t wait for English release!
Server just unlocked level 75 and inner skill swap with new level 71 gear, i had all my gear gold (highest quality) and changed my build to the worst build in game( double sword) guess the peak for lvl 75 is around 20800 combat point
Everyone keeps saying that Western games make female characters look too masculine, while in China, players are complaining that game companies make male characters too feminine. What an irony.
Guild war system leaked in game.
Most expensive costume in game. can only get via Gacha system. Base on conversion is about 20usd for 10 draw. Guarantee draw every 150 draw. So far the game survive on cosmetic only and not P2W. Do you think it can survive in long term in the west with this in the future without P2W?
Is something wrong with the game? I just updated it and now I can't log in.
AMA: I had almost 300hr in game play time so far and know most of the stuff in game now
I will be uploading the main story quest in my youtube channel~
Please help, what do I need to do here?
Have they added any fist weapons in the game like gauntlets
Summary of the game mechanic (Part 1)
My little collection of unique coin I found when I am a kid. Anything rare?
My seed freedom collection done at last
Are Singapore school canteen vendors being pressed too much?