This RNG hurts on a new Iron Man profile, I can't even do my first run
Anyone know why the water isn't freezing?
How do you guys level your Warframe's quickly in 2025
Just reporting this here that mobs don't drop inferuim essence
Do pillager raid leaders not drop ominous potions in atm 10?
Anyone know why this makes my audio amp/dac stop working
Is it just me or is the verification actual ass
Does it matter if i put he magistar incarnon on a normal magistar or should I put it on a sancti magistar or are they the same
Does anyone know if there is a Christmas sale on packs in the web store or in game store and if so when it is?
So are incarnon weapon buffs like praedos parkour velocity buff on at all times or only when the weapon is in hand?
Got my first level 1 sister done
Is there a 50/50 split from mods to vehicles because i didn't feel like I got as much towards the vehicle I'm researching as I should have
I'm about to start researching the ja37c, and I'm wondering if I should use that and continue progressing (use ja37d jas39a and also jas39c), or should I skip any planes here?
I didn't know you could 1 tap with grenades?
So is Germany still without a good top-tier plane or am I just dumb
Anyone know what might be the best multipurpose fighter here in the German tech tree considering BR
Can anyone explain to my what the difference of selecting these offensive armaments are
E-sports ready (when I shot or got shot it blinded me from this was funny tho)
Please someone help I'm not sure why it's happening but any time I open a setting menu or in this case inspect something my gpu throttles at 100%, and I'm unsure why (i already tried messing with drivers and my pcu is fine)
I'm unsure why, but my gpu is throttling at 100% for 3d when I just do something as simple as open a inspect for a item in counterstrike or open settings in war thunder
Anyone have a guess on how well it may take of playing air to get to top teir? (I'm with su25k till I get MIG 23MLD and I tend to get at least 2 or more kills a game and are going for su27SM)
My audio makes cracking sounds or cuts out only when I try to stream my screen
What do yall think I should do i plan do do all eventually but wanna do 1 rn (current loadout in img) 1. trade inheritance for like a WW Vulcan like 60-80$ 2. trade gloves for aquamarine WW like $200+ 3. trade knife for bright water M9 bayonet MW $250
Pc slows down when starting up some games
You would never guess what brand on soda is my favorite (done by @alipseda on fiverr)