Here’s a terrible picture. 😎😉
My wife's not thrilled about it but I think it's a real knee slapper.
Two Nazi salutes at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) yesterday
The Comeback of a Legend: The Revival of My Canon 5D Mark IV
Rate my form
Got the Canon 6D any tips?
DSLR purchase in 2025
Strange color bleed/fringing
What major life lesson/s did you gain from this game?
My beloved Straggler
Anyone still using an X-Pro 2 in 2024?
Still using my 6D, no plans to upgrade.
After months of repairs my steed is ready!
2018 Gen 2 Clutch housing health.
How many of you KLR owners have done long distance multi day/months off road touring on your bikes?
What do yall got for this one? Mine is the Jeep Gladiator
Finally found one picking up groceries!
Got myself a 2023 Husky FE 501s. This bike is an absolute blast!
New Klr owner
Canada to Argentina Help!
Just bought this 1989 Tengai 🤘🏻
Getting Dirty
Find my sweet Nala girl 🐈
Men caught on camera destroying ancient rock formations at national park