[Mac/PC?][1990s?] Kids’ Platformer
[PC/Mac?] Kids’ computer game from late 90s?
2016 EDM Song: "____ the Sun Goes ____"
American Idol Winners at War
That was one of the best runway looks ever seen and it wasn’t given near the credit it deserved. Pure art.
AS09E03 - "Snatch Game of Love" [Live/Reaction Post]
They were called the weakest group only to become the assassins of the season
Nymphia critiques her fellow queens' looks
Do you think you could be on any version of the traitors
Examples of "reverse" reveal?
what's your greatest pokemon hot take?
Which movies are meant to be "felt" and not "understood"?
My husband drew our ultimate Snatch Game. Who’s the most underrated and who did we miss?
Over 60 seasons in the Ru-niverse. Do you think this is the best lipsync of all time?
How would you rank the Drag Race UK Vs The World Season 2 lip syncs? Here is my ranking from worst to best
What lip sync result from the show do you disagree with the most?
Does Geneva Karr has the most 'Boot' on Fashion Photo Ruview? 4 boots out of 5 episode appearance is wild.
Results Shows
Landlords suck
Have 2. Looking for 2 more for a game
Another banana dress 🤣🤣
Anyone wants to join 2 players game?
Now that season 16 is over, what spoilers/tea turned out to be incorrect?
Every three years the magnificent fashion queen wins.