Guys only: would you rather be hot but have zero rizz or have a lot of rizz but be ugly?
Class bloat?
Prague post
Does anyone get depressed when they see an attractive man in public knowing you’ll never get with him?
Should crossdressing be more normalized? Would people freak out less about 🚂 women -- or, more controversially, would there *be* fewer 🚂 women...
Scratch Map
Which way western man
Anna & Dasha mentioned on the final episode of Cumtown
Obtížnost studia webového inženýrství na ČVUT
What are your favorite sad songs? I'm looking for all different kinds
Does anyone else end up hating all the women they become CLOSE friends with…
Men are now getting penis fillers and BBLs 💔
Prices for casting
Why is Dexter so popular with zoomers now?
Why Do Boys Love Each Other Loudly, But Men Do It In Code?
Do you like to play as non-human races?
Staying friends with your ex
How different would the world be if women always had milk in their titties?
Starting with a Learned Skill
Infinite re-rolls at chargen? Why not?
If you made D&D combat action economy, what would it be?
Are you a Daria or a Jane?
Multiple times a day, I cringe at my past fumbles and hit the top of my head a couple of times
does anyone here sleep in multiple extended periods rather than just one?
Jaké žánry knížek máte nejradši?