How to handle dating an addict ?
Artist bear collection
Meet Stitches the Bear!
Saw him at goodwill and couldn’t help but take him home
ADHD girlies be like:
Sandy has recently discovered that she loves our white chair. She’s also discovering some unique ways to sit in it.
If you could erase one plot line or episode from the show’s existence… which would it be and why?
What’s your favourite episode?
We found a full unopened bottle of vodka on our garbage can this morning…
so done with school
I’m fuc*ing try to quit it everyday for more than a year, but I fail constantly. It’s been a burden to my mental health.
Describe what it feels like to be depressed in one sentence.
What one thing do you hate about weed the most?
Problems with overtaking my medication
Fast food picture not sure what it's supposed to be?
I understand why people kill themselves.
Surgical abortion tomorrow what to expect afterwards?
Does depression ever end?
Dealing with “imposter syndrome” as an audio engineering student
What does a healthy weed habit look like for you?
A simple man’s sloppy handwriting
The longest I’ve gone without smoking in months
Did you struggle at school growing up?
What does your brain feel like?
My psych might take me off of my ADHD meds?
Degrassi Guys I Find Most Attractive (Personality Does NOT Count!)