On a scale of 1 to 10 how fucked am I ?
Is this stack better then the one I posted yesterday?
Why is my man power thing that color not that I see colour of anything I'm not racist just wondering
How's this for a stack ?
What should I do to make it better
What should I be doing after I take a city ?
haven't seen one of these in a while but why not
Why is it doing this ?
Help with build please
To all new PS5 players
Great game
Can't stop leakmuss
Can't stop the leakmuss
Merry leakmuss
Eurofighter typhoon files use them not an ip puller
Bad question
these pl 140 snobs in 160s piss me off
Game is going great
What is the best ammunition for the T54E1???
What is the best ge premium for air and ground any countries