What am i missing here? Why can't I join
This Is How Feminist Censorship Has Altered Sonic Generations
Opinion on Blue-Eyes support?
Blaze Pizza Closures???
Hire Fans
DONT underestimate Sora
Why is a gooner posting good faith criticism all of a sudden? 🤷
[US-PA] [H] Supreme Darkness Pulls: QCR, SCR, UR, (SR upon request) [W] Paypal
Yoshi-P steps down
Jumpscare for Wuk haters
Oh that's adorable...
Some sense to you all
I can't wait for this new card
Dawntrail is an excellent expansion, and is equal to it’s predecessors in every way
Viper Bimboed by GrimmyDraws (Bimbo Expansion Reverse-Skinsuit)
[Yajiro Masaru] Girl in girl (Part 2)
So, from S3 and from now on, do we need to upgrade cores to lvl 15 for the team 2 on the rift/abyss and other modes?
Keep your money in your wallet
Kaiba seems a bit out of character I Stairway to the Destined Duel
Just 2 more Stratos to go :D
After all these years. Finally, I have them all!
Code Megathread + New Packs, LEAKS, Structure Deck & MORE!
Ladies and gentlemen, the equivalent of assist trophies
Yep this is going in my cringe compilation