Can trans people still have sex?
Did I overreact by cancelling a first date in response to the comments in red (mainly the second)?
why do i want a penis
Do we keep these Boots or nah? Kinda wanna wear them in half an hour, but can't decide if the shaft is to wide or not and if so I can't return them if I wear them tonight 😬 Wdyt?
You have the power to remove one song from existence and nobody will remember it. What song do you choose?
Need some positivity! I love yall!!
If you could vent to the internet about what’s bothering your peace right now in your life
Weird question from cis here. What does it mean if i am jealous of transwomen. Its not a bad type of jealousy. I actually am happy for them and commend their bravery... but when i see people who are trans Igo " i wanna be that"
I Really Don't Like How I Can Have Penetrative S*x
Thoughts on Gang?
Why does Leia have one really long fingernail in RoTJ?
What are you Stressed out about Right now?
Boobs are gods greatest invention
NSFW - is this normal for lesbians or is this something more?
Playing Halo 4 for the first time …
How to i tell my conservative parents that I like women and it isn't a faze
Haven't had a haircut in a year, what should I do with this mess lol
Is it normal to be trans and seemingly not having any signs in childhood?
I cried getting laser done
My gf of about a year and a half cried broke into tears during sex. How do I support her from here?
Is it normal that ive cried every week for 2 years and begged God to make me a woman... im cis, but someone told me this is not normal for cis.
After masterbating I feel less like I want to be trans?
Who wore it better? (-1 year to +20 months)
does anyone else just love touching their boobs?
As an MtF - How long were you in Boymode?