I am an ex-muslim witch
bro sudah dijanjikan gelar dokternya oleh tuhan 2000 tahun yang lalu
Pembuat obat mikeneko disuruh berhenti
Gw masih ngakak sama ginian wkwk
Mod forum sebelah
Magnet into orgonite
Tipikal mod r/indo, berasa paling keren, paling sosyel jastis
Hukumnya apa guys
[femdom, a guy literally being trained into becoming a dog] The Hound of the Baskerville's
Why are tiktok witches so entitled?
Apa desentralisasi kepolisian itu bagus
Do you use a wand? Why or why not?
A vengeful servitor
Can we discuss about latest tools and technology which could help with OBE?
I think my ex bfs mom put a hex on a ring that she gave me
Are these fake?
Umat Islam Solo Raya (AUIS) sweeping menolak festival kuliner Cap Go Meh di Paragon, Solo
Dampak Efisiensi bidang Pendidikan, 663.821 ribu mahasiswa KIP-K terancam putus kuliah
Pesta Gay di Hotel Jaksel Gratis, Polisi Tangkap 56 Pria
If you were transmigrated into a Martial Arts World (Murim/Jianghu), what faction would you join/Martial Art would you pursue?
Akun sosmed di-follow mantan, bingung dengan pikiran wanita
Fakta bro
11 years of training for this.. is natty bodybuilding a waste of time?
Are ouija boards really dangerous like many say?
[LOTM Manhua] here's a ch.1 translation by yours truly