Partner owning a gun
Reply to Chrome Hearts Lawsuit
Looking to trade all good things for any of these 5s
Let’s trade!
LF : Shrinkopoly
Trade 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Only 14 stars for any 5 star sticker, will do any 3 for 35 stars.
6 stars each 😊
Trading for stickers I don't have
Lf gotcha! and impossible
Have vs Need
Even trade for what I need
Trying to finish these two sets that need 3 star stickers and these are all of the 3 stars I have available to trade!
3⭐️ trades. Have vs Need
LF Monopoly Hijinks and Chimichangas 1:1 2 star
trying to finish these two sets 1:1 or 2:1
Lf new shield. Have who me and clean up team
Trying to close first set! 2 more trades left! 🙂
1-3 stars!
What I have vs what I need