eu acho que não amo Jesus de verdade
I feel sorrow for being sucha bad Christian
I don't want to read the Bible.
i need prayer
Resuma sua semana em uma palavra!
Today was my friend's baptism!!
Today is my friend's baptism but I'm not happy
I don't know if I'm going to heaven or hell.
god is good
How do I know if the Holy Spirit is talking to me?
me sinto uma falsa
How do I know if I'm saved?
I feel like a fake.
help me reconnect with God again
it is difficult
What should we name him?
Does anyone go through this?
vcs shippam gnt real?
alguém é obcecado por GTOP?
por favor me digam que eu não sou a única.
I fell into temptation even though I knew it was temptation
If God wants a real relationship with us, why does He threaten us with hell?