It’s 2005, what’s your family making for dinner tonight?
What game are you playing on this
Millennials have the biggest photographic black hole in modern history
My livestreaming business nets $10-15k a month after 8 years. Growth has plateaued. I need advice on pivoting.
Atmosphere "millennial rap"
Annndd there it is, cbdc starting right on schedule
Is nostalgia a psyop to gaslight people into thinking that the 80s and 90s weren't as good as they remember and the economy is not free falling since?
Has anyone used BetterPitch to create their deal decks?
I am a Previous Employee for a regularly discussed commercial real estate database. (Not gonna say name but you know) AMA
Who is the most annoying person in commercial real estate?
I tried to re-create the Ishihara hidden digit plates. These should only be visible by red/green colorblind people. Did it work?
“The Truth Behind Upwork: Profit Over People?”
Abstinence pamphlet, circa 1998
Is a high % of population being remote workers a pro or a con for you?
Questions about hosting a television time capsule
Cardano Mixer available?
Anyone Here Have a Safelite NNN Lease?????????????
I’m back with another brain breaking formula, this time it is for capital
This sub has a lot of people complaining about technology, poor quality products etc. Is anyone else finding themselves becoming very anti-capitalist in general?
What’s the downside?
“You’re so special, you are really talented” — yeah, I guess I am
The Defaulter's Circle of Life- Savanna Moves to Buy its Own NPL
Walmart Retail Ground Lease in California - Trying to Better Understand the Deal
Tenant/Landlord rep leasing brokers, how do you navigate PG's (Personal Guarantee)?
As a software developer, what do you think are the key needs in this space that could be addressed?