Don’t make him show you!!
Junkrat x Venture smut
They should add claymore’s to the game
Airsofters don't mess around
Is this build good for a starter or should I change it up?
Do yall want to see Behemoths return in BF6, and How?
Wolf spider hiding in its burrow
ID? Found in south Australia-kangaroo island
Lots of Hours, Just Tried the G18
Help to get the mtar 21
My first time getting accused of cheating in my life( I think??)
Just give me the damn horse, Lu Bu
DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS is currently rated 'Very Positive' - 93% - with over 6k+ Steam reviews. Quite a glow-up for the series.
I gotta thank this guy
Lu Bu is overrated. This guy is the real threat
Spider in a burrow
After all this time can't believe playing DW is refreshing and fun again. Ch2 optional boss clear.
Why does it feel like everyone on Origins is trying to get in my pants during every optional interaction?
Dynasty Warriors Origins is now the #1 Top Selling game on Steam! Just wanted to note since I don't think I've seen this before on PC
Wei Yan appreciation
Two guys teamkilling...
Definitely going to the theaters to see this
How much you spending on this Slot Machine?
What's your favourite song from this album?
Literally unplayable