[Tom Clancy's Rainbox Six Siege] this game is a victim of its on success
[Fortnite] I would rather play every souls like and Kojima game than this one again
3D Brawler is so inaccesible it makes me upset
[Kona] Walking Simulator that I put off for a few years
[Watch Dogs: Legion] an argument could be made this is the worst in the series
[The Shapeshifting Detective] not the best FMV by Wale Interactive but still decent
[Orcs Must Die! 3]
[Anno: Mutationem]
Santiago is here to collect for himself
A new Nazca mummy tomography and X-rays
[Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered] I had more fun the second time for some reason
Who’s your favorite impractical joker?
How many times you had sex this week?
[Gris] Sony still hasn't fixed their app. The games still don't show on the trophies
[Construction Simulator] I do not recommend this even for the most hardcore of trophy hunters
[Saints Row: The Third Remastered] I forgot how much of a turn your brain off fun game this is
[Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!] The people that like this sort of thing should be put on a list
They're playing Among Us. Who will find the impostor?
Is there a song you love the beginning but hate the middle or end
It’s 2025, you have the right to brag a little… what’s your biggest AND smallest flex? 💪
What's your arbitrary reason for you to kill someone in the game?
What was your "finishing move" on your siblings?
How did Peter afford all the backpacks?