My kitbashed Tuskboss! I wish the kit was more modular, but it leaves opportunities to dip into the the ol' bitz box.
40k Ork on top, AoS Piggy on the bottom!
Kitbashed GW 40k Ork and Age of Sigmar Maw Grunta. My first go at glazing Green flesh tones. Also had fun stippling the armor and messing around with some simple freehand.
Creating shadows for colors while maintaining saturation and feedback.
Chosen and the Drum
Good AoS YouTubers?
Group of mini bikers ran a red light on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills and smacked right into a white Range Rover in the intersection
Sculpting an alternate head for the carnosaur
It’s finally done! Berserk Guts statue from nom nom studio
Which realm has your favorite dwarves/dwarfs?
What is this ??
I'm not a fan of the traditional green so have been experimenting. Is it possible to be TOO green?
My Concepts for New KO Units
Hello Show me the figure you most proud of
Not based yet but heres my oldblood on carnosaur in a 'realistic' scheme
why are humans the only ones with short lifespans(with the exception of the tau)
What Realm could I play this battlemat as? (Sorry I’m new to AoS)
Badab Veterans
Do any open faced Primaris helmets exist?
how do people make fun of black templars players
Fantasy with a twist
I’m working on a classic, metal Skaven Globadier model 🙂
40k Player looking to get into AoS
StD Vampiric flavor