Here’s the finished necklace :D done w size 15/0 seed beads
Strawberries and cream wip
Deleted my other post bc this pic is way better. Rainbow mushies I made with size 15/0 glass seed beads
Mushroom babies!
Cotton candy jam
Finished this guy today
Finished this last night
Finished this pendant last night :D also forgot to show this little strawberry and bracelet I made the other day
My 15’s
Peyote Beaded Pulls
I joined the ranks of Toho Aiko fans right after the first bracelet I made with these beads *-*
Someone on fb thought these were only 15 bux and blocked me after someone else commented about how the way they said that may come across as “your work isn’t worth more than that”
Some beaded things :)
Strawberry bon bons necklace 60% loaded
I am so in love with these beads 😍
What is the suitable name for this cat?
New gooooodz I made this past week with size 15/0 seed beads
I finished a new beaded necklace
Pink or teal ❤️ earrings
I was so excited for these dark silver beads, but they’re way too toiiight for my tiny workings, so I stopped at bracelet length
Made this jar necklace with a recycled bead bottle and a beautiful glass implosion cab, and size 15/0 glass seed beads
Beaded croissant pendant 🥐
I’m doing some new to me things. Done with size 15/0 seed beads