Hey! I just find these things exploring… i think the want ti be friends… shall i?
Started with gym 3 Months ago - i love the combination of fat and muscle so much!
Is it just me who finds this strange?
Give it time.
What the fuck is my lil bro watching
How do y'all conceal your butt curves?
Butt curves (read desc.)
I didn't know Link smiled like that while surfing!
Why do the colors not line up
Gestern endlich meinen ersten Schwarzspecht gesehen
Fehler im Lösungsbuch
What goes around, comes around
Kaisergänse in Deutschland?
Emperor Geese in Germany?
🚬 Die linken ...
Benutz Hirn nochmal🚬🚬🚬
Who are these characters?
I love her 🫶
Mario and Luigi cosplay by my brother and I
I hate how I look
I yeeted that moblin
What are your odds or funny nicknames for ToTK things?
I just got super emotional
What's the Best Godzilla Design in Yall's Opinion?