¿Creéis que alquilar en España es una misión imposible?
Shower sewer doesnt evacuate water correctly
Cheap and cool spots to visit
What is your worst campaign?
Does it usually rain this much?
Best Free Chess Databases? Chess Microbase is Closed :(
La idolatría a Elon Musk es reflejo de una persona poco inteligente.
He acabado mis prácticas/pasantía en PHP y ahora no sé que camino seguir
Recently finished my intership with PHP/Symfony, but I don't know which path to follow.
Mi escort favorita me bloqueó y la extraño :(
Is this match a draw or white wins
Who is your favourite chess commentator? For me Robert Hess analysis is groundbreaking, deep and fun, also him and Polgar is god tier combo
Clothes donation
How can a 3200 bot make a silly mistake? Isn't it supposed to be the best
I love chess, but I hate analyzing my games. So I built this.
Move 24, why isn't en passant possible?
Viktor Vektor was chosen as a good person that is loved by fans. Who is a morally gray person that is loved by fans?
First time flashing and configuring with ZMK
Say what you want, I'll still love it
best desktop environment and why?
Who's the strongest current player who never gets stressed or mad about a game?
Suggestions for first layout on my first corne
hey! noobie here with just 1 question...
At what Chess.com Elo rating can I seriously consider participating in local tournaments and competitive?
Why is this considered best move while it hangs a queen?