New player - Which deck collection should I choose?
I drew Asuka
Como de pronuncia Ssszzass?!
Reta Final Votação de Distinções
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Do you think we can find Tesla City in FP2?
Estou desenvolvendo um gerenciador de fichas online para Tormenta 20. E preciso de opiniões...
Jogatina em Ahlen
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Compra / venda de itens e recompensas
What D&D setting (apart from the Forgotten Realms) do you think would work as a Magic set (and how would you do it?)
Edição DB com ilustrações de Tormenta
My friend thinks I’m being unfair
Me ajudem Mestres Avançados
The there an App / site for cataloguing collection (which helps to identify what edition cards are?) coupled with some valuation?
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Best set to draft for game pieces / value
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How to get to the 4th chapter
Renfri the Shrike, by me
Retrospectiva 2020 ATRASADA eu fiquei MT tempo animando isso ja vai dar 2 meses e que 2020 realmente foi uma ano complicado mas espero que tenham gostado dessa animação :)
Help for custom monster - Chaos Dragon
Mill decks everywhere. Hoping the next set gives some chance to stop this madness.
What would be your dream campaign to run?
A List of RPG’s I’d Recommend Everyone to Check Out Once