Unpopular takes ??
Maybe People Can Chill
Dealing with Resistant/Helpless clients
Inner child work and trans folk
Your Client Isn’t “Impossible” - They’re Stuck in Survival Mode
Help for Injured Crow
Do any other therapists struggle with finding a therapist?
Male doves as soon as it get ~slightly~warm out
ED program as a plus-sized therapist?
Highly Philosophical Client
What is your Myers-Briggs Personality Type?
Postpartum OCD
Stolen Yard Sign in Anaheim
Best Free Places to Find Clients
How Much Do New LPCC Therapists Making in LA?
How I feel in sessions in our current hellscape
90834 for 38 minutes?
Flirting at the Feeder (sound on 🔊)
30 sessions a week would be crazy, right?
Experienced therapists (10+ Years): What is an area of controversy in your niche and where do you stand?
I feel like my husband’s (mostly European) results are so unique and interesting!
Attractive therapists get more clients
What is your “million dollar question”?
Name it - OC edition
Dream Prediction