How often do you and your partner have sex?
I went clubbing with a skinny friend and I feel like I'm falling womanhood
What's the best thing about being single?
Me, 1979, 1990, & 2024
Jennifer Connelly, 1998
What was the very first concert you went to, where, what year?
One celebrity who you want to spent a day with?
What are your unpopular SLP opinions?
What was first job and how old were you?
Which celebrity gives you "I sold my soul to the devil" vibes?
Hi! What color are my eyes?
If you could see into the future, what would you want to find out?
My mom at 21 in 1970 and me at 21 in 1995
What’s a scam that people still fall for, no matter how obvious it is?
What’s the best movie you recommend no one watch?
Sex at night
Me and my sister (right) in 1990 and 2024
Jennifer in 'Career Opportunities'
Another day, another photo of Trump’s hands
For those of you who have had a "supernatural" experience, please explain it?
What is something you feel guilty about that you try to ignore?
What is your absolute biggest pet peeve?
What was your very first concert, where was it held, and what year was it?
How did your parents pick your name?