Outside Lands Lineup
Long Live Libtube
Fields of Avalon Line-up
Why does anthony not like steely dan?
Man Utd Fans
Criminally and i mean CRIMINALLY underrated albums
What is a music project you heavily enjoyed when you were younger but now feel it was total ass?
Give me your most insane band break ups in music history
GEL Drama
Albums named after a genre that is not associated with the album itself?
Do you think some genres (for the most part) are objectively bad or more of a matter of taste?
2022 was insane
Anybody else feel that Alvvays' self-titled debut is still their best album?
Anthony has done several podcasts with a woman who is openly antisemitic on Twitter
Point proven
It is staggering that a lot of people don’t know about this very specific detail of american history
Iggy Azalea on her first meeting with Kanye.
What is your favorite artist/band that you discovered thanks to Melon? I will always be grateful to him for introducing me to Snõõper
Under-appreciated albums that still scored very well.
Most artists have one or two albums that seem to transcend/stand apart from the rest. What are some reasons for this?
Morality, Carti and ye
Video surfaces of Carti’s ex Brandi detailing his domestic abuse 👀
All I'm saying is I just think it's a weird coincidence that these black-and-white albums are both 76 minutes, are both 5 year follow ups, and both dropped within 1 week
20 albums I consider a 10/10
What do you guys think about the new Weatherday album?
What is your AOTY so far?