Just bought a 55U7N. Is this normal?
There was a dim light coming from my garage loft last night so I took a pic. Theres nothing in that loft. This is with the lighting and colors adjusted on the pic for max visibility and it was taken with my phones night mode. Please tell me night mode does some weird shit that can explain this...
Is there a way to disable the light on your own character?
Think I finally found something I really enjoy. What do you guys think?
Hackers in fortnite.
When I queue Heavy
Are throwing knives a joke?
Hot Take: Bank It isnt enjoyable cuz of the lights with cloak and sword
excuse me but... wth ?
Which is the thing that saps the fun from the game for you?
TrY tHaT iN a SmAlL tOwN
Me trying to find 'Flattered, but no thanks.' and failing
Character creation makes me want to refund
Game won't Load (PC)
Snipers nerfed even more, all of this is to push weapon pack sales and vanguard purchases. Please come argue this is for quality of life improvements
The game is fun, but I'm gonna stop playing because of all the cheaters.
I don't think I could have done this without being an Enforcer
Don't play with your food ;)
Testing Veteran Skill. 10% = 1 Frame
Getting stuck after playing one match
80 Killstreak Nuke New PR
Error 307: Booted from server - related to alchemy?
Levels 1 to 3 have 60 gold bonus, bots unlimited build up delete characters, mail gold to the large
Can you spot what's wrong?
Me tonight trying to reserve my names