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4x your salary or 200k per month tax free, but it'll be a random job I give you
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wanted to wear this tomorrow but found a huge hole :(
What Taylor song SOUNDS LOVING but has HORNY LYRICS?
What Taylor song SOUNDS LOVING but has FURIOUS LYRICS?
Accidentally bought toothbrush and toothpaste in the same colors
🧂 Salty Sunday - What book scenes frustrated you this week?
I’m not sure jealous is quite right …
What Taylor song SOUNDS LOVING and has HOPEFUL LYRICS?
People ahead of us at security brought a cake through security
What Taylor song SOUNDS the most LOVING and has LOVING LYRICS?
Funny Friday! Share what books made you laugh this week, or funny comments, Memes, and TikToks here!
Taylor songs that are POV of the cheater?
What Taylor song SOUNDS the most LOVING but has SAD LYRICS?
My autocorrect has learned too much about me
My sister in laws brother realized Trump is a liar
The gap in this tree's branches looks like a mouse cursor
What Taylor song SOUNDS the most SAD but has FURIOUS LYRICS?
Names for a sister of a girl named Opal.
My dad keeps eating all of my food despite knowing I'm sick.
My cat can’t extend his front leg all the way.
📚 Simple / Quick Questions & Requests!
What Taylor song SOUNDS the most SAD but has the most HOPEFUL LYRICS?
All surrounded by familiar feces...