Jaka alternatywa dla USAńskich produktów typu Cola, dostępna w Polsce?
For those of you who use fingers instead of a pick, what is the fastest speed you can play 16th notes?
Britain ‘no longer a rich country’ after living standards plunge - Parts of the UK are now worse off than the poorest regions of Slovenia and Lithuania
Luźny wątek tygodniowy: Muzyka. Czego ostatnio słuchacie?
World's most expensive XI 20 years ago (2005)
Advice on avoiding dodgy cars on Autotrader
What would be the benefit of high action?
Elon Musk ponownie atakuje Radosława Sikorskiego. "Marionetka Sorosa"
Why is the Alps region in particular so wealthy?
Do dealers not want to sell cars ?
Is this a bad idea ?
Would this be a decent purchase for the price?
Who is your favourite rider?
What do we think? Will it? :)
Will Poland lose viability as a Passport Bro destination soon?
Are fender jazz “faster” than precision
As if they pay taxes
Please could I have the red flags on this car? I'm 18 and this would be my first buy. Thanks
Vorsprung Durch Zitronen [Audi Q4 e tron 45]
Life insurance payout for a killer bike ?
Owners of German cars over 3 years old. Have you had any issues ? If yes, what were the problems
Polacy którzy mieszkali (albo mieszkają) w Anglii, czy jakość życia jest lepsza w Polsce czy w Anglii?
Any X Trail ePower owners?
Fired my tradesman for bad work
Mir is also looking quite good on that bike. He's braking late and is able to muscle that bike in to the corners.
Great songs with bad bass tone/performances?