Every Daily objective/quest
Let's explore an admiral fans brain and some of akainu's best feats post his glorius sleep in marineford
Has anyone ever considered that Shanks and Mihawk might be Completely Equal in Power?
Found this Top 30 (Alive)Somewhere , do you agree?
Why are yonkotards so afraid of admirals?
Akainu fans , this ya goat? Trely "HIM" , Truely the strongest marine 😂
Gemstone spread
is this stuff rare now?
What would happen if Nika was introduced from the start, laughing at Jinbei as he cries, laughing at nami as she cries. Laughing at Usopp as they ditch him.
The 7 Seraphims vs Big Mom
Kaido is genuinely the worst match-up for Akainu
Who's the dumbest character in One Piece? Excluding post time skip Luffy
I think it will be good if they did it
Can Raigo one shot a Yonko if it hits?
People are starting to realize that he’s actually the biggest bum in the series
New update already screwing people over.
İs it just me or this fishing update is Just wrong part that they should work on
tried my hand at a 4-bladed fan (inspired by mumbo and jake kelton obviously)
Early reveal of anti-gravity
If Akainu is 100hp at the start of MF, what HP was he when he returned?
Blackbeard vs Akainu, who wins and what difficulty? Match 1 Blackbeard is allowed to go offscreen, Match 2 he isn't.
Used to be valued at 90M
What if there is no 'Imu reveal' and he just actually looks like this
If I drop a divans alloy
that def looks like the salesmen, or is it just me?