Couples shouldn't adopt kids who are not the same race as them
Found the twitter of the guy from the stalking post yesterday. Claims he isn't a stalker, also says "I'll do everything in my power to make you love me"
Tolkien was a Giga-Chad
BD = baby dance = unprotected sex
my sister says im cute. be brutally honest, i can take it.
19M Am I ugly? I always felt like something was off about the way I looked. I just want to hear some brutal honest opinions and advice on how to look better, if I should change anything.
[M21] 1st photo is verification. I’ve never had a girlfriend nor has anyone ever flirted with me. I’m starting to think it’s because of my looks. Also, children say I’m ugly lol. Photos with and without glasses near the end
What is your opinion on banning Muslim headscarves?
18f~ second picture from a video that’s why it looks kinda weird, last picture i have contacts in and i’m curious if that changes my rating. thanks! [sorry there’s a lot of pictures, i just feel like i always look different!!]
19f idk
I just went to McDonald’s and saw they are selling a mc-
I will delete my _____ if this gets 69 orange arrows
I asked for an ice cream, why’d you give me a _______?
Spirits, the girl next door sent me this. What should I reply?
Looking for honest feedback. Posting 3 photos with different lighting, angle, etc. First is a studio shot. The other 2 were taken on my phone. None are edited or filtered.
M 23 how do I look?
21 M be brutally honest I can handle it
I'm going to MacDonalds. You guys want anything?
Spirits, can you say anything other than cum or penis please.
No one is afraid of _____.