I wanted to share my very lucky Attack on Titan finds (in my opinion)
In or out the boxes?
How does this happen
10.6K members... welcome to all those who have recently joined us...please introduce yourself ad tell us what you collect.
What do you think is the Bending type for each of the Continents?
Our first Shiba pup
New to Collecting
Latest update of my collection
I firmly believe that people who put pop protectors on backwards are sociopaths. That is all :)
Being a 30 year old gay guy is hitting me hard
Shiba owners have no limits and this proves it!
Show me your happy smiley shibes
Can I still make it for anesthesiology?
Has your Shibe ever given you a heart attack?
New Rengoku box size protectors?
My Hero Academia x Sky Tree Collab
Nuerolenses vs strabismus surgery?
Did I just make the biggest mistake of my life?
Oni does not appreciate the gate.
Treatbox arrival day
This is Giyū the Shiba Inu 🐶
Carved a Shiba of my friend out of wood as a Christmas gift
Show me the prettiest photo of your Shiba and I will look at it
Match 2024