How to ruin a Dragonite players day
Does higher difficulty solo drop events have a higher chance to drop the promo pack?
Red help
QCK Slasher Driven and Slasher Team
Recommend me teams for the actual grand part
What can i do?
Am I missing something here?
How do I feed my Digimon in Digimon World: Next Order?
Anniversary Pulls.
Any idea why I loose all the time? Even with only 4 units he claps me easily
Is it just me or pulls in this game deliberately bad
I need more damage on this slasher rumble team, thoughts on what to switch out?
What do I do with these?
What a joke
Are the arlong pirates worth super evolving.
This is My Rumble Team! Are you Strong enough to beat it and if you do, how do you do it?
Rumble Team
is my qck team good?
GPR bench team supports?
If i'm hosting I should be able to skip everyone else's animations for Soul Bomb
Is there any way i can fit a dogstorm in this team ?
Ive tried like 4 teams Help.
How do I know which character to use for rumble and how do I get more combat power?
Any encounter for Rades and Lotus?