So in conclusion you're both equally delusional, overly worried about BRs, cringe, hysterical bird brain homunculi.
Isk sound effet
I thought sov null guys should have money to lose few t1 crusiers here and there
Thank you Arkadios for wasting 1000 peoples time on a weekend.
CCPlease: Don't delete my favorite content
Super awoxed in brave newbies? Crumbling? failcascading? Someone actually undocked a super? Will Brave finally stop getting over farmed? Nope.
Im fucking done with EVE after yet another round of bullshit changes to nullsec.
2025-03-12 Revenant Update Patch Notes
Well, it's been fun
Dear CCP
Trading: Better to trade outside of major hubs?
The story of a final goodbye and the loss of a Molok and Azariel
Snuffed Deployment Saved By Roaming INIT Gang
Played some eve-themed with some corpies
What's your "I'm an idiot moment"
Dedicated to my favourite shitposter, using ai reddit wrapped[].
To start null solo pvp, do you go to null sec and simply wait until someone attacks you?
Snuffed Out mobilizes against OnlyFleets.
Init Moving to Syndicate? Retreat or Expansion?
Why hide it?
Should I join Pandemic Horde or Goonswarm?
Subscriber Only Content: 20+ Loki Fight Battleships at Zero
OnlyFleets. Failscading
Map is broken, game unplayable
Equinox Mining Balance, Philosophy and Learnings