Leaving 9 month old for a month
This is what a state with no income tax looks like.
So I don’t have FOMO here goes. Me at 7 and me at 47
Masking - dangerous?
Which area/region do you spend the least amount of time in? Where do you find yourself always running around and exploring?
Another day, another photo of Trump’s hands
Waiting for online purchases to show up at your FFL be like
I Want in on the Fun. '92 Senior Photo (17) and age 50 (2024).
Here's how forced RTO went this week.
Trump says he's lifting tariffs on most goods from Mexico for 4 weeks amid economic fears from trade war
Two females?
2.5 year-old GSP/Lab mix doesn’t want to go on walks anymore!
Do you think Nico might be a happy dog? It's hard to tell 😆
'I hope Trump deports you!!!' note on Cazuelas Mexican Restaurant receipt sparks outrage
I love the game, but the combat is too difficult for me
Adopted this little girl 2 months ago and we’re pretty sure she’s mostly GSP. What do you guys think?
Tick advice
After 8 years I finally bought my first Zelda game BOTW today
Do you own a GSP in North Dakota or other super cold place?
My GSP Willie Nelson - Boy is he challenging
Help with older GSP and medical issues
Moving Monday. Questions and Answers about Moving to Cleveland go HERE.
I'm planning my first trip to Costco on Thursday. What should I buy?
cleveland heights homes and heating bills