Help with acne!!
Razer viper wireless sensitivity messed up when in wireless mode and fine in wired mode
Feeling completely lost in life
buy in now or wait for a slight dip?
lose it extended intro
Weekly Questions Megathread
Red coins
name a ken song in emojis and i’ll try and guess it
describe a lone song with emojis imma try and guess it
U can really see Ken influence on rappers like Glokk n Lazer Dim
What would the comunnity define as a bad release
Found in my camera roll sep 2 2020
Anyone else’s hoodie come with a bunch of stars 😭
top 5 destroy lonely song
Give me the song thats most carried by Ken's flow and skills and not the beat
Which banner to pull on? UI, Evoken or Beast?
AGC lowkey works better backwards
catch a kill appreciation
Songs similar to VTMNTSCOAT?
Best song on X (including xtended)
I need to settle a debate. Which one is better, Gofrieza or Gokock?
I love POTS so much
Thoughts on ultra ui
It’s weird going on Spotify and this isn’t his picture anymore
Best bench?