First Houdini project, trying out FLIP!
Feedback please
Houdini vellum Ballon Config
Houdini vellum+pyro
Vellum Cloth and Procedural Stitching
How can I emit vellum soft bodies with an initial velocity?
Procedural Chesterfield Sofa
Houdini Autosave to fix??
Houdini Vellum Simulation
How Can I use animated pressurescale mask in the vellum solver?
Made this using Houdini and Blender... I appreciate any feedback
What’s your favorite Novo Amor song?
Houdini Vellum Sim.....WIP...what else can I add?
Cloth Tearing in Houdini
I simulated a car rig in blender using RBD spring do I move the car so I can create some animation with it?
My pc is not working at all black screen any help
My first flowers made with Houdini
Check out my procedural Ice Cube Generator HDA in Houdini, inspired by ChatGPT!
Guys, is there anything I need to fix?
Forest river simulation in Houdini. Pumpkin buoyancy test.
why do programs like unreal engine can render some realistic fluids in real time (Fluid Flux) and Houdini can't?
Tips to become an FX artist
My pc frequently experiences black screen problem..Does anybody know why this is happening?