alternative / rock songs ?
can’t get past level 15
Dancing in Dallas- does license expire?
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Most dances I’ve ever done
Guess what type of engineering i study from my fridge
what rules do yall use when you play the 100 baby challenge?
the club is the best job for neurodivergents
Now that trump is president have you seen an increase of money?
can i do this while being mentally ill?
Mother and daughter under the same roof.
ADHD engies, what study methods work best for you?
I just realised I have more dancer clothes than regular clothes
Denver clubs
looking for a game similar to mweor
You are hard stuck because you are at the rank you deserve
Where are my quirky dancers at
what’s a good amount to have in savings?
Slow mf season!
how much would you charge a customer for a dinner date?
Don't see anyone using Mantis anymore. What happened?
what’s your raggedy limit
Zero money at my club and can’t get hired anywhere else
My friend was charged $3000 for one night at the mental hospital
What song can you not stand to hear at work