Bubble bath for a big boy
Valentine 💘
New Q5 and SQ5
Senior year pictures
Thoroughly enjoying his sweet treat
What are some silly derivative nicknames for your Golden?
Bella just goes along with anything 😂
Ellie makes every airport feel safe
What happens when you can’t jump on papa poopin
My poor pup
Where did the mash potato container go?
Who else has a golden that sleeps 90% of the day?
Male Puppy name suggestions?
Does anybody know what happened between Chris pontius and wee man?
What’s the longest a stuffie has lasted in your home? Mister Otter has been around since July 2023!
Comparing the nutritional labels( Kirkland Lamb vs Kirkland Salmon Formula)
A4 engine’s cylinder failed so replaced it with an A5 coupe
Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick
Why are their little feet so cute?
Share the cutest photo of your golden to celebrate Friday
Who else’s golden is a snuggle bug?
Her Little Paws are the most adorable part 💕