[TDM] Collecting Tarkir: Dragonstorm: The Four Most Important Things to Know
Ben Weitz (Red Color Pie Councilor) on Red Mana Dorks
Some odd similarities in the TDM spoilers and art reveals...
Edge of Eternities speculation: a colorless themed set or purple the 6th color of magic
Anybody else find it funny that the most viewed FFXI video on youtube for the past 18 years is still that damn blurry Mithra character creation video, captured from somebody's damn PS2? 1.6M views of just unedited Mithra...
Question about Mythic afterglow
The Exits in Ul'Dah are flat images and you can't unsee it once you see it.
Recently finished the San d'Oria Wings of the Goddess quests
[TDM] "Dragon's Presence" Basics (WeeklyMTG)
Is there any more information on "Hexhaven"?
Tarkir: Dragonstorm Epilogue like OTJ?
[TDM] Tarkir: Dragonstorm | Episode 7: Return
[TDM] United Battlefront (Tarkir: Dragonstorm Story Episode 7)
Lore channels
[MTG:FF] Zell Dincht!
[FIN] Zell Dincht
Struggling with this card on Arena
How would a Vorthos Player deal with Standard Player with Universes Beyond card?
This whole arc is a flop.
How could eldrazi be reintroduced ?
I did not like part 6
Spellbook cards might be made craftable says Wotc_Jay
Any lore on this guy?
The new wiki under Scryfall is invisible through Google searches, can anything be done to fix that?
So Loot IS a Fomori after all