Red tattoo progress
Weird bumps on tattoo 10 days after 1st session
1 Month out from 5th session. Feeling discouraged today :/ gonna be stuck with this for years…
I think I made the worst decision of my life
how many seasons to remove
Spaghetti all'assassina
progress 5 days after first removal session
For those with dense ink, when did you really start to see a change?
worth it to remove?
Tattoo is raised 7 weeks after first session. Is there any improvement?
Should I remove ?
I’m getting my cover up soon!
Would you go to this tech?
At my 7th session
Is it okay to go back to an artist after getting their previous work removed?
Will I need to get a touch up?
Why is “post-tat regret” so common?
Removing traditional tattoos: it’s fine not to see major progress until 6-7 sessions in!
2 years // 7 sessions
Thinking about tattoo removal
Great progress, but lot of oxidation
Have had major anxiety over new tattoo and going to get it removed. Love the design, but just too big for me. How do you think this tattoo would respond to laser?
Throat tattoo removal 3 sessions
new tattoo healing weirdly?
I hate this tattoo so much and I want it gone .. it is 6 months old. Any advice is appreciated