Hey ladies, to those of you who’ve dated someone 20 years older- how did it go and what was your experience?
To those of you who are currently not doing what you’re supposed to be doing, what are you doing instead?
How has your high school experience left an impact on you even today?
What word would you use to define masculinity, if you could only choose one?
What is your favourite recipe that- (i) uses under 7 ingredients and/or (ii) is done under 40 minutes?
Do you ever feel like your priorities were wrong in your late twenties?
Hello gentlemen of Reddit, I was wondering, what do you think the male experience would be in a matriarchal society?
It’s 3 am and I have decided I want to learn to code. This is all I will think about for the next 3 days straight.
ELI5: What’s the difference between a 4th and 5th generation fighter? What is the best fighter out there and where does the F-35 figure in the list?
What bits are me and not ADHD
How do you deal with sudden emotional dysregulation?
Girl Advice Thread: Things I Wish I Knew Sooner .
Medicated- do you ever have to sleep an entire day for a “break?”
I am an exiled Chinese businessman hiding in the U.S. AMA
Hello gentlemen, to those of you who don’t like to discuss/ acknowledge conflicts/issues in your relationships and everyday life, what’s your thought process behind this?
If you could live the last year of your 20s again- what would you do/ not do?
What book would you recommend to introduce real-world economics to someone who’s never been taught the subject right?
What was your biggest fear when you were a child?
To those of you who dated someone while you/they were separated from your/their spouse, what happened and how did it go between you?
Meds shortages
I feel like I'm only made up of my ADHD and anxiety.
The worst part about being diagnosed is everyone thinks you're converted to a delusional cult
I found a way to fall back asleep that actually works
ADHD much worse in adulthood.
Would you marry or continue dating a sexual partner who couldn't make you orgasm during sex, and why or why not?