Lila Beauty / is it legit?
In your opinion, why do some MIL’s behave poorly when a grandchild is born?
Things in the current Priceline GWP bag
Started strength training and now my fat feels flabbier or softer.
Oooo back at it again with the spending
Abbie Chatfield, is she okay?
Does anyone else not like baccarat rouge 540?
Practical info you wish you had known before becoming a parent
Would it be weird for me, as a progressive Muslim, to start wearing the niqab?
Thoughts on this for a wedding?
Would it be okay to leave a 1 month old with his grandparents to go on a 5 day vacation?
My oldest sister isn’t let her kids take part in trick-or-treating. I feel bad for them. Any advice on how to talk to her?
I think this is the last straw.
What’s the thing you sort of resent your parents for NOT doing?
What’s one thing no one warned you about motherhood?
What's something you didn't realize was going to consume so much of your time as an adult?
For BP women who has given birth, how did it go?
For those that have made it through, what's it like to eat normally again?
What’s the easiest way to ruin your mental health?
Favourite onesies/zippies that aren’t bonds
How much was your sleep consultant? Just got an invoice for $800, their website said the programs “starting from $300” so I’m a bit shocked.
Caught my mother dry nursing my baby
COVID affects!
Okay. A lot comes up when you search Nausea here. But does anyone get it outside of pain? Like nausea and urge to vomit not caused by pain?