Say a Phrase or show a Image that only your fandom Understands
Try me, mods
Fuck this game broke my whole setup bc of this shit game
How much is my PC worth?
Stupid thought, hypothetically if this subreddit was a family, what would be your place in it?
We all immediately killed this guy, right?
Making free avatar Renders!! BUT with a twist
You accidentally messed with them.. what will you do for now?
If your avatar had a son/daughter how would they educate them?
I need help
That's it, i'm commiting. I fi'm not online in the next week i'm gone..
Sadge moment (i was scoring nutty with my jonklers)
It's overpowered, I know, but I had fun making it.
Say your avatar was a character in a game. What would be their voice line when they get selected?
I’m just a girl who has no clue why her pc blue screened :(
Is this normal a normal game size?
Ur headphones died. What does everyone hear you listening 2?
Should I be worried?
Today I learned on Reddit,
So....Its dead then?
Bro Gamers are NEVER beating the allegations💀🙏
Who is coming to save you
Seriously Konami?!
Maybe steam thinks a tag game is a tag game? NOPE
Was wondering why my points were so low