Does anyone make a triple/single map pouch that takes 3 5.56 AK mags at an affordable price?
5KU B-19N compatibility with real AK
Crackwhore in hometown caught with drugs and a Cz 52
A Reminder Of Our History
Hahahahaha thanks for the engagement tho
Gimme ur best miside reaction pics and memes
Are the right happy with gutting government agencies because it implies it will reduce taxation?
Happy Sunday Gunday!
Owning the libs> surviving
What are you reading right now?
A liberals long ass rant about gun stores
[media] WRASS (wrath ass) IS REAAAALLLL
You know what, f**k it. Everyone post your favorite shameless and questionable ZZZ pics
Our 71 Cuda is now finished.
Who wins?
Just for funsies
It'll be different this time?
Ukrainian Forces member with an improvised 14.5mm anti-material rifle. 2016 [1296×803]
We're not friends
ComBloc Guns and AK Derivatives = BASED! SocialistRA and Communist Ideology = CRINGE!
Looking for a specific 10 Years in the Joint meme
Any experience with Operator’s Manual?
I love Kazuma Satou the almighty King of equality.
Can you fit 2 5.56 AK mags into STANAG double magazine pouches