Redbar Videoboard
What would the actual, real affects to the economy and the distribution of money between the lower/middle/upper class, if there was a proven AI stock/crypto trading bot that anybody could use? Would this be positive for the economy, or disastrous?
Windows 11 Users: Is it still possible to install Windows 11 without creating a Microsoft account?
[homemade] My first serious attempt at cooking: Roasted Red Pepper and Sweet Jalapeno Steak Sandwich topped with Roasted Garlic Aioli and Habanero Cheese
My first serious attempt at cooking: Roasted Red Pepper and Sweet Jalapeno Steak Sandwich topped with Roasted Garlic Aioli and Habanero Cheese
John Hiatt - Cry Love [Rock] (found this gem from Arrested Development Season 1)
Redbar Out Of Context | Part 4: 'THE CLAW' [Clip Compilation]
Look, I love shane, started listening to MSSP in late 2018, about 1 year before the SNL cancellation. But that sucked. What is up with Shane just constantly doing slight variants of the exact same 8 concepts over and over as his standup?
Almost 2 months now, this can’t be about the dog can it?
Redbar | Jake Paul's Awkward Mexican Party Heartfelt Moment
Finished up a new mod! Pink vinyl wrapped faceplate + Silk Pink 3D printed frets/strums/buttons, mechanical fret switches, and an RJ-11 -> USB-B custom board swap!
Guys, let's hear his side lol
I am modifying my Kramer guitar with Rasperry and need help to connect the strum.
Bars & Tones - André Chocron [Abstract Art Music Video based on the SMPTE Test Pattern Color Bars]
I have every single Redbar episode from the beginning of 2013 (Pre-Season 13) transcribed via an AI transcription software called "insanely-fast-whisper". Looking to find the exact timestamp / episode ID of a bit / quote / moment? Post it here, and I'll find it for you!
Short Archives Clip (SAC)
Data Visualization Trend of the Number and Type of Swears in Every Redbar Episode from Season 15 to Current
Classic Redbar | Mike Prank Calls a Bizarre Spy-Themed Improv Restaurant (great payoff at the end)
SXM Management Told Opie to Pull his Pants Up | O&A ft. Patrice O'Neal
simple soundboard website
Redbar Radio | Mike's Idiotic "It's My Phone" Cover / Parody ('It's My Life' Parody)
Michael Gouffe - Original Episode?
Season 18 Redbar
Is Mike rich?