Joe Rogan told this joke at his live Netflix show yesterday
if your dick is really tiny clap your hands!
Flooding as many fortnite subs with mc memes
AMA. I used to be addicted to reddit and posted so much I became semi well known in some subreddits. I karma farmed and now have over one hundred thousand karma. I have now realised it is useless.
[ Removed by Reddit ]
The TV Show Heartstopper is actually terrible
My girlfriend just said I have an “Ed Sheeran” poussey
Mine goes like this:🤓🤡🤞🐿
I should have been born a boy
AITA for leaving class after my teacher wouldn't drop a topic i had asked her to drop?
Anyone need a robo Kevin starter pack code? (Skin hero back bling pickaxe 1000 vbucks 1000 X-ray tickets) $40 cash app or crypto need vpn on United Kingdom it’s an Xbox code
My dad told me "not everyone can be a hero, stop trying" after I tried to stop a fight at school
My girlfriend smirked as she waved the positive pregnancy test in my face.
Antimasker DOMINATES small man
Found something nasty in my daughter's closet. Don't know how to react (worst thing you will ever read)
sub has gone to crap. thought i would leave you with this
is the mode dead?
When I was 12 I rubbed my penis on Poison Ivy
In Bridge to Terabithia (2007) JESUS CHRIST HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT??!?!!!!?
That one video where the trump supporter walks around a street and shouts "VOTE FOR TRUMP" at everyone
What is the angriest political rant you have seen on the internet? [SERIOUS]
ChatGPT explains why the Uvalde police watching Morbius instead of going into the school to stop the shooting, was wrong
Are you tired of how George is portrayed in Big Bang Theory?
True Story I didn't eat meat for a year afterward