This season more than ever, going second feels like a fool's errand
Why can't I negate this with Cyberdarkness Dragon ? Am I missing something ?
Is chimera better going first or second?
my coin flip ration has been stuck at almost 10 to 1 losses for almost two weeks now... WTF Konami!
Spellbook UI Bug
I have a ruling question : when does a special summon start a chain and when does it not ? Card Game Discussion
Is anyone else loving the new duel pass background? It's toetally my style, I'm usually into "succubus" or "dark" themes! I will buy the premium for sure
Which deck to craft
It's time ( F2P player). What deck to build? My decks are: Swordsoul Tenyi,Ninja,Gaia,Galaxy Photon,Floowandereeze,Yubel,Centur-Ion. Any suggestions with similar taste to my decks? Thanks
This is the most perfect win I got from the Link-XYZ event, I had to share it
Does anyone know if this bug has been adressed ?
I Hit Master for the First Time!
What video game is this for you ?
I am new to the game, need help build a deck
Is it me or Mathmech spanks Tenpai ? One loss in 8 duels and it was because of the roach.
Is there a mod that makes it so that attacks don't spend all your movement points ?
Literally me
Lets discuss psychic awakening.
Psychic Awakening dialogue
Patch 7 Changes
Sowwy for Mucho Texto Mr. Farfa
The kid gloves being used with XQC on stream are crazy
Actual delusion
Selunite Outpost Waypoint