Nowadays students are scared of choosing their preferred major
People who slack off at their retail jobs are heroes tbh
Is there anybody in One Piece that can defeat Omni-Man?
How can anyone like their retail job?
Nationalism is incompatible with marxism
bro what?? ð
Long ring long land is filler
Have you ever debated a bourgeois irl?
Who wins/and the diff
Who wins this fight and whats the diff?
Humans are objectively the strongest and most superior race in one piece
19F Make me cry
Only the internet would hate a bad girlfriend more than a genocidal terrorist.
Who wins/ What diff?
Kizaru Is Both The Cheetah And The Bear
I don't get it
Which character has the most thin-skinned fanbase?
Who Wins? Why? What Diff?
Another gem: Teddy Roosevelt edition
Why do fujos love L from death note so much?
Why was everyone acting like Bobby was in the wrong for not wanting to get beat up?
Who got the best aura
What is americas best sandwich?
Astrologists of redfit: Why do you think astrology is a tool, not a belief when it's literally a belief system?
Who wins/what diff?