Starting with a random amount of workers (e.g. somewhere from 4-12) sounds cool but is obviously imbalanced, right?
Tingling sensation when falling asleep
And the final straw, if some were holding any, for Lex. Screw him for championing this private takeover of government. Pathetic man
This is literally the only thing Blinkin will be remembered for
What do you prefer about SC2 over SCBW, and vice versa?
Holy crap this level of smurf is something else. Great job.
I truly never thought this would ever happen. So so happy. Ty to the community for the coaching, and replay reviews. And of course, I cried ;)
All time tournament winnings
OpenAI Unveils More Advanced Reasoning Model in Race With Google
Report: soO retires from StarCraft
Does every software engineer has oncall?
I asked ChatGPT to roast /r/starcraft
How many camera hotkeys do you use?
Blizzard employees working on LoTV instead fixing the issues with Protoss
Clems recent stretch of PvT…
So what do protoss do with the colossus now?
Why hasn't America produced a dominant player?
StarCraft II 5.0.14 Patch Notes — StarCraft II
Excuse me , what the FUCK do i do against cyclones?
What is your MMR brick wall?
I am looking forward to 20/40 Warrior raids and gear competition on fresh, lol
Kaelaris says no news whatsoever about SC2 future from ESL.
All Protoss Changes before Blance Council and after Beta
Should colossi start with extended thermal lance?
Looking for Mech TVP Tips for the New Patch - 3.5K